

Ontdek meer over IoT-connectiviteit voor uw sector van onze experts


Hoe IoT helpt bij de strijd tegen honger

Op 28 mei viert The Hunger Project de Wereld Hongerdag en we willen graag met u delen hoe het internet van de dingen een belangrijke rol kan spelen in het ambitieuze doel om deze epidemie uit te roeien.

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How award-winning security defends IoT devices

Wireless Logic’s Cloud Secure solution was named winner of the IoT Security Product of the Year award at the recent IoT Breakthrough Awards.

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Waarom energieopslag het IoT nodig heeft

Mark Appleby, Head of Business Development, explains the benefits of IoT connectivity in battery storage and distribution solutions.

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The IoT’s role as energy companies transform

Mark Appleby, Head of Business Development, explains the importance of IoT technology for the utilities sector, to monitor and manage the supply and demand of transformative energy sources.

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How to secure the IoT from the SIM to the Cloud

Paul Bullock, Head of MNVO, Wireless Logic Group, explores IoT security, from SIM authentication to mobile networks through to secure access to Cloud services.

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Connected Remote Patient Monitoring en toepassingen voor zelfstandig wonen maken betrouwbare thuiszorg mogelijk

Mark Appleby, Business Development Manager at Wireless Logic Group shares how cellular connectivity is enabling independent living and remote patient monitoring applications.

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Wireless Logic named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™

Wireless Logic is featured in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Managed IoT Connectivity Services, Worldwide, for the first time.

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Why organisations are choosing CAT-1 over LPWAN for global IoT

Paul Bullock, Wireless Logic Group discusses the advantages of CAT-1 connectivity for multi-region IoT deployments.

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Navigating eSIM deployments for the IoT

Paul Bullock, Wireless Logic Group, explains how, with the right expertise and orchestration, eSIM solutions can deliver significant benefits for many IoT projects.

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De toekomst van de bouw is digitaal dankzij draadloze connectiviteit op locatie

Sam Eaton, Business Development Manager, Wireless Logic Group vertelt waarom de bouwsector gebruik maakt van mobiele connectiviteit voor toepassingen op locatie.

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Klinische proeven en patiëntenervaring transformeren met 4G cellulaire connectiviteit

Our Business Development Manager Mark Appleby, explains how cellular connectivity is transforming the way clinical trial organisations gather patient data remotely.

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Building LTE & 5G connectivity into SD-WAN solutions

Our Head of Business Development, Oliver Wallington discusses the rise of SD-WAN and the importance of deploying LTE or 5G connectivity as part of a solution.

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Hoe kan een bedrijf zich het best voorbereiden op de mogelijkheden van IoT-connectiviteit?

Our CEO, Oliver Tucker discusses the opportunity that eUICC and 5G will bring to IoT solutions and how to address the increasing threat of IoT fraud and data breaches

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De aanpak van IoT-beveiliging

Our CTO, Simon Trend discusses IoT Security and ways in which you can minimise the risk of data breaches and fraud

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Planning – sluiting van Europese 3G-netwerken

European Operators such as Vodafone Netherlands have recently shut down their national 3G networks and others will be following.

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Waarom cellulaire IoT-connectiviteit steeds belangrijker wordt voor CCTV

Our Business Development Manager, Sam Eaton discusses the importance of Cellular IoT Connectivity for CCTV.

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Waarom politiediensten overgaan op cellulaire connectiviteit voor ANPR

Wireless Logic's Justin Godfrey-Cass discusses the importance of ANPR for police forces.

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Smart Building in het voordeel tijdens en na COVID-19

Onze IoT Business Development Manager, Mark Appleby, legt uit hoe de Smart Buildings industrie helpt om mensen terug naar hun kantoor te krijgen.

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10 stappen om uw IoT/M2M toepassingen te beveiligen

Belangrijke beveiligingsinformatie voor uw IoT/M2M toepassingen.

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Waarom is cellulaire connectiviteit zo belangrijk voor de groei van de elektrische voertuigen markt?

Justin Godfrey-Cass bespreekt IoT-connectiviteit opties voor EV-infrastructuur

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Het succes van Locatiegebonden Technologie

Wireless Logic Group's Business Development Director Jon-Paul Clarke explains the merging trends of mapping and connectivity within the M2M and IoT eco-system.

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IoT cyber-attacks and data theft – apocalyptic or solved with the right solutions?

Hewlett-Packard have reported that up to 70% of IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. IoT will impact on all of our lives, with 26 billion installed units by 2020 according to Gartner.

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Voorbereid is het halve werk: waarom en hoe je IoT-beveiliging moet oefenen

Simon Trend, Managing Director of Group Services, makes the case for practising incidents to optimise IoT security.

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Een raamwerk voor IoT-beveiliging: is uw oplossing cyberveilig?

Iain Davidson, Senior Product Manager, explains how to use Wireless Logic’s IoT Security Framework to defend against, detect and react to cyber threats.

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De aanstaande regulering van het beveiliging van Internet of Things

David Rogers explores security regulatory requirements in the IoT space and what it means for companies across the world.

Wireless Logic

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