IoT Solutions

Cloud Secure - Sophisticated IoT security

An advanced IoT SIM solution for cyber security defence.

IoT security from Wireless Logic

An advanced IoT security solution which addresses a number of cyber security concerns which have been expressed by OEMs and Large Enterprises looking to roll out large scale IoT deployments.

The SIM is the root of trust which is used to authenticate devices on mobile networks. The same technology is used in chip and pin bank cards to identify and authenticate payment transactions. With Cloud Secure, this root of trust is extended to authenticate IoT devices onto Cloud-based services on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and others.

With a combination of GSMA standards based on-SIM technology and mobile core network services, Cloud Secure resolves IoT device identity, enables dynamic scalability and provides defence against spoofing of IoT devices, ransomware events and unauthorised device access to network and cloud services.

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Cloud Secure explained

Hear from Paul Bullock who explains the importance of data and device security and how we can help enhance security and scalability with zero-touch onboarding of devices to cloud services.

Device Identity
Leverage on-SIM applications and network security methods to ensure that only authorised devices can connect to enterprise servers or cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Secure and Scalable
Auto-enrolment of devices onto cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) simplifies device provisioning processes and enables dynamic scalability.

Network and Cloud Agnostic
Protect your investments in development and operational processes. Cloud Secure is network and cloud agnostic which means you are not locked into a single provider.

Fraud Detection
Protect your devices and data using advanced network security measures to detect and manage SIM theft or other rogue device behaviour.

The advanced features of Cloud Secure enable you to securely scale your IoT deployments.

Cloud Secure and Scalable
Advanced on-SIM security automates device authentication and secure cloud registration enabling dynamic and scalable deployments.

Zero-Touch Provisioning
SIMPro includes a remote provisioning platform and advanced rules engines to authenticate and automate management and control of SIMs and Cloud access.

Secure Chain of Trust
3rd party providers in manufacturing or in the device or cloud software stack never have access to keys which helps defend against spoofing and ransomware attacks.

Advanced on-SIM Technology
SIM applets, multi-IMSI and eSIM technology enhance security, resilience and flexibility which enables you to enter new markets quickly.

Protecting your Data and Reputation
Private network infrastructure and features like IMEI locking, white or blacklisting, VPNs and Private APNs protect your devices and data.

Solutions Support
We will advise and support you through integration, field testing and full deployment phases.

SIMPro - IoT's most powerful Connectivity Management Platform

Our Connectivity management platform provides a single window to securely manage IoT assets across any network and any number of deployments.

Deploy and manage assets quickly and easily

Optimise costs and pre-empt issues through powerful insights

Real-time help and support

Automate your connectivity using our powerful APIs

Unified and flexible billing for all business structures


Explore SIMPro

Your next step…

Click here to arrange a call with one of our IoT Connectivity Solution experts.
Call us on 0330 056 3300 

Get Pricing More about secure private networks

Wireless Logic

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