IoT Connectivity Solutions

Private Networking through NetPro

Wireless Logic’s scalable, resilient and secure private network

Wireless Logic’s scaleable, resilient and secure private network

Cyber criminals are getting more creative in their use of automation and social engineering to gain access to your systems. Data theft, ransomware, malware and man in the middle attacks are increasing in frequency and the damage they cause to revenue and reputation is making security a top priority for businesses.

NetPro and is a critical part of your defense against such threats. It provides an array of capabilitieswhich help secure communications and keep data private.

Privacy Private

IP addressing and Private APNs protect devices and data from internet intrusion.

Secure Data Paths

IPsec VPNs secure data connections to cloud and network partners and to devices.

Secure Remote Access

Remote access for maintenance supported by SSL VPN or Secure Public IP.

Quality of Service

Advanced networking techniques enable data traffic separation and quality of service.

Considerations for using NetPro

Managed Service
NetPro services provided on an OPEX basis and as a managed service with 24/7 monitoring and management. This reduces your up front investment and in on going management.

We recommend private IP address and APN
Private network credentials provide a strong barrier against attacks from internet based sources. If public IP addressing is really a must have then we can provide it in a more secure way.

Multiple VPN configurations supported
We have a wide range of VPN technologies and implementations to support direct interconnect into your data centre, servers and to remote offices.

NetPro provides secure interconnects to Conexa, our built for IoT mobile core network and to our global MNO partner networks ( NB IoT, LTE M, 4G, 5G) Interconnect capacity can scale to an unlimited number of IoT devices.

Latest Encryption and Authentication services​
Encryption (AES-256, SHA 256, SHA 512) and authentication services to support your industry or policy requirements.

Applications benefitting from NetPro


IoT. It's not complicated with Wireless Logic

Design and deploy a future-proof IoT solution that scales with your business.

Contact us
Wireless Logic

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