Success Story

Delivering better telemetry solutions... Connected by Wireless Logic

CMS SupaTrak develop a unique range of monitoring systems, helping to make the world’s fleets of commercial vehicles more efficient. 


As a market leader in vehicle telemetry solutions, CMS SupaTrak have developed a unique range of monitoring systems, helping to make the world’s fleets of commercial vehicles more efficient, more green, and their driver/operators more aware of their own behaviours when in control.

From standard tracking, where ongoing data streams back to a central monitoring system providing location-based data, to EcoTrak where engine monitoring records and reports back on a number of driver behaviours including speed, use of braking, engine idling and more, CMS SupaTrak have amassed a portfolio of tools from which fleet managers can optimise the performance of their mobile assets and their operators. Reliable communication between asset and control centre is key.

The Challenge

With a growing client base across the UK and throughout Europe, CMS SupaTrak require a multi-network approach with connectivity solutions tailored to each client’s requirements. With the need to have optional Fixed IP as part of the airtime offering, the technical team identified Wireless Logic as preferred provider with the ability to deliver a range of mobile networks including Vodafone, O2, O2 Ireland and Telenor.

Trevor Evans, Operations Director for CMS SupaTrak explains more: “As the business has expanded, the need to find a flexible multi-operator managed services provider has become a necessity. Our business model requires rapid response, particularly in relation to setting up solution trials prior to full roll-out. Our goal was to find one organisation to deliver SIMs across the board, with a provisioning system that we control.”

The Solution

CMS SupaTrak are currently rolling out another high-profile EcoTrak implementation for SITA UK, the UK’s leading recycling and resource management organisations. With a fleet of over 700 vehicles, the completion of the project follows a year-long trial which resulted in the target vehicles and their drivers performing better, smarter and greener. “EcoTrak will ultimately impact across the entire SITA UK business. The CMS SupaTrak device will be feeding back information every 60 seconds, delivering valuable data which will lead to improved driver behaviour, reduced fuel costs, and a greener footprint,” says Trevor Evans, CMS SupaTrak. “This is one of several major projects that come to fruition this quarter. Implementation is an important time and connectivity is vital. With Wireless Logic on board, it’s good to know that from a connectivity perspective… it just works!”

Matt McPherson, Wireless Logic’s Sales Manager, has worked closely with the CMS SupaTrak team since the relationship began. “Wireless Logic originally worked to a simple brief that remains in place today – provide a multi-network platform that just works! We’ve successfully done that backed by 99.99% resilience. CMS SupaTrak utilises the Wireless Logic APN and SIMPro provisioning tool; this delivers just-in-time SIM enabling for each device as it’s fitted to a vehicle.” Wireless Logic SIMs are now connecting over 10,000 of CMS SupaTrak’s clients’ vehicles. As a fully inclusive tracking and monitoring service, airtime costs are critical to the pricing model. Matt McPherson continues: “We have worked hard to develop a number of tailored data airtime contracts that meet the rigid commercial criteria set out by CMS SupaTrak.”

Wireless Logic

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