IoT Solutions

Local Deploy - An IoT roaming solution

Enabling IoT solution providers to access the optimum connectivity solution for their in-country or regional deployments.

Ensure the best available connectivity with IoT roaming

We work with the best partners and use the best available technologies to create cost-effective, secure and scalable IoT solutions for IoT deployments on Conexa, our ‘built for IoT’ network or in partnership with 50 direct MNOs, or 750 roaming partners globally.

We offer a range of local deployment solutions for applications with low data, wide coverage requirements to higher data applications where performance and cost are key.

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Maximise your Coverage
Use a multi-network SIM for access to several networks in your target country or region. This makes deployments easier and provides resilience.

High Performance
Select a single network SIM for applications which require higher data and performance in your target country or region.

Future Proof
Leverage multi-IMSI or eSIM for insurance against network quality or commercial issues should they arise in the future.

Speed time to market
Remote SIM provisioning lets you reconfigure SIMs over-the-air and deploy into new countries quickly.

Choose the right SIM and network services for your local country deployments

Multi-Service capability
Voice, SMS and Data services on 4G (LTE Cat-6, Cat-4, Cat-1 and Cat-1 BIS) and 5G are supported. 

Static and Mobile applications
Tailored solutions for static sensor deployments or high-data mobile applications. 

SIM and Device Management
SIMPro and DevicePro provide remote manageability, insights and detailed analysis of device behaviours and performance.

Local Infrastructure
Private data centre infrastructure in 15 locations address low latency, permanent roaming and data sovereignty requirements.

Secure Private Networks
Private network infrastructure and features like IMEI locking, white or blacklisting, VPNs and Private APNs protect your devices and data.

SIMPro - IoT's most powerful Connectivity Management Platform

Our Connectivity management platform provides a single window to securely manage IoT assets across any network and any number of deployments.

Deploy and manage assets quickly and easily

Optimise costs and pre-empt issues through powerful insights

Real-time help and support

Automate your connectivity using our powerful APIs

Unified and flexible billing for all business structures


Explore SIMPro

Your next step…

Click here to arrange a call with one of our IoT Connectivity Solution experts.
Call us on 0330 056 3300 

Get Pricing More connectivity solutions

Wireless Logic

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