
M2M’s Big Data and the avoidance of Big Bother…

As the proliferation of M2M applications and the IoT gathers pace, whilst the presence of ‘Big Data’ is now the norm, the management and control of such data traffic is more and more in the spotlight.

26th Jan 2015 | Matt McPherson, Sales Director

Big data driving business efficiency

From the humble asset tracking device of just a few years ago, the measurement of fleet activity is now a totally different business. One SIM can now 2-way transmit a mass of structured and unstructured data gathered from several different applications. Today’s users take the volume of data for granted, yet combined with location, security, speed of delivery and the critical nature of their content, Big Data can now enable a fleet operator to run a more efficient business, in a safer environment, with a better maintained fleet.

Managing and controlling the data usage is now high on the list of priorities for major M2M estate owners. This is clearly defined through the checklists in ‘Requests for Information’ (RFIs) when seeking new or alternative connectivity providers. Whilst secure data transmission is often a vital requisite along with suitably high and stable bandwidth, the need to have a ‘real-time view’ on an estate’s SIM data traffic is fast becoming a dealmaker/deal breaker as organisations seek to tighten their grip on the costs of airtime.

A SIMple life

So how can the sector deliver on these expectations? Global players like Telefónica have invested well in platforms like Jasper – on large-scale single network deployments – and this infrastructure meets the market need well. They are also answering the call for value as larger Gb data tariffs are becoming very much the norm. Yet, the market wants more… European and global players won’t be tied to one network and one platform. And asking them to manage several control portals with the complexities and time limitations that involves is a step too far. Big multi-network data SIM users want a simple life.

Answers to the demands of major SIM estate players come in many forms. An example of a ‘factory fresh’ solution is the recently placed contract from a German-based fleet organisation that has now overlaid five network platforms onto Wireless Logic’s ONE superstructure. With ONE, the client can manage and control data usage in real-time through one window, accessing existing network platforms. It can tailor billing arrangements in line with their existing work processes – in this case integrating numerous network costs into single cost centres. And most importantly, it has complete control over 50,000 SIMs.

Real-time visibility, the ability to alert and switch off, plus the simplicity of deploying single commands across multiple networks are all key benefits in managing Big Data applications effectively. The avoidance of ‘Bill Shock’ is freeing up estate managers to focus on other important aspects of their SIM estates.

The prospect of even bigger ‘Big Data’ is just around the corner. Today, streaming video of security applications, fleet management and e-health devices are all examples of data-hungry solutions that will continue to demand more. Yet reports about the coming together of IoT and social media are now raising eyebrows as industrial applications meet consumerisation head on… the extent of data traffic holds no boundaries. For now, MNOs and managed service providers such as Wireless Logic must remain focused on empowering major users of data to keep a firm handle on their SIM management. Big Data – with good management – means no bother.


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